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10  Easy Rules of Leadership and Communication at Workplace

Anupa Joaquim, Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition​

"Leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." – John Maxwell, Leadership Expert.

Communication and outstanding leadership are usually the heart and soul behind an effective team and organization. What is needed and essential in a leader is distinct for each organization, but the ability to lead the way, show the direction, set an example, communicate to be effective, and avail an ear to listen doesn't change for a leader. Managers can tackle day-to-day problems and operations, but leaders are equipped to communicate visions that drive an entire company forward. Many experts believe the most important traits for a great leader are charisma, approachability, communication, consistency, being in it together, and sharing the purpose. Today, in this blog, we will drill into some of the necessary traits for being a great communicator and a leader.

10  Easy Rules of Leadership and Communication at Workplace.

Communicate, and communicate some more!

All relationships require open and consistent communication: whether it's your relationship with your family and friends or your colleagues, communication is the steppingstone and the foundation of productive and long-lasting collaboration. While it is relatively easier to establish and develop lines of communication at home, it may prove to be an uphill battle at the workplace, owing mainly to the formal nature of workplace associations and the chains of hierarchy.

However, it is pivotal to communicate your opinions and ideas at the workplace and engage in conversations that can lead to personal and professional growth for you and enhanced efficiency for your team. Even with plenty of information at everyone's disposal, the fact remains that no one is a Jedi mind reader in real life. Therefore, it is only with honest, inclusive, and open communication in the workplace that individuals, teams, and organizations can hope to optimize their respective potential and attain synergy in their operations.

Contribute your ideas and opinions to the workplace.

All of us have different perceptions and varying degrees of imagination, so working in teams with a diverse set of individuals, however challenging in its own right, presents an opportunity for diverse ideation. If you have an idea that can help improve how a task is performed, you must talk and not be silent. You must share the concept with your team leaders and invite meaningful dialogue on its development from the concept stage to an actionable step. Whether your organization encourages effective communication through direct conversations or suggestion boxes, you must utilize the channel and communicate your ideas.

The more transparent, the better!

One of the critical aspects of team communication is being open to constructive criticism and transparent about your opinions on important matters. If, for instance, you have been assigned a task and asked to do it a certain way, you must assess the process and share any improvement measures you deem necessary. Being silent and afraid to share your ideas for fear of rejection or reprimanding is not advisable. The key is to stay open-minded to change and be receptive to feedback.

Build and hone cordial relationships with your colleagues.

Your colleagues are your family at the workplace - people you spend a substantial portion of your day with, people you work in close coordination and collaboration with. Hence it is of paramount significance to build cordial relationships with them. A team is only as good as the collective efforts of its members. And as they say: "There is no I in a team." You must, therefore, make it a point to communicate your opinions to your teammates and be opened to listening to their views as well.

Respect your team and your colleagues.

As is the case with all kinds of relationships, mutual respect is the glue that binds many a varied part together and makes the machine work without friction. For the team members to be able to communicate with honesty and without any fear, the team leader needs to emphasize the importance of respecting every member of the team. When you value the role played by every individual in the pursuit of a team's goals, you can honestly efficiently communicate with them.

Lead And follow in equal measure!

The leaders of any organization serve as ambassadors to internal and external stakeholders. As far as potential employees are concerned, individuals are far more likely to want to collaborate with a company if they admire one or more of its leaders. And for the internal stakeholders, leaders perform a wide gamut of roles, ranging from shaping the organization's strategies to drawing the best out of each team and individual.

Therefore, having the right people in leadership positions plays a vital role in the success and growth of any organization. It is, thus, essential to hire people with the right skill sets and temperaments for such influential positions. A great leader leads by example and follows innovative ideas and directions as and when required. Fearlessness and openness to change are two critical facets of good leadership.

Hire people with leadership traits

While making the leadership and hiring decisions for your organization, one must look for leadership qualities in every individual hired for any role, irrespective of the vertical and the seniority. Remember that all new hires are instrumental in the pool of your organization's resources from which you can choose leaders in the future.

Create an environment of trust and inclusivity.

As a leader of an organization. It is one's role to ensure that every resource has the environment and the support to perform to its potential. It does not suffice to hire the right person for each position merely. It is also critical to provide them with the necessary support and trust to thrive. It would be best to create an environment of trust, inclusivity, exchange of ideas, open communication, and teamwork in your organization.

Encourage decision-making!

Power translates into responsibility and accountability; therefore, the more you empower your organization's resources to make their own decisions, the better placed the organization shall be. Delegation is key to the successful functioning of modern-day entities. And it is when you have solid and encouraging leaders in the organization you hope to hone the leadership skills of each resource. Leadership development and hiring are, therefore, pivotal for any organization.

Be approachable and adaptable.

As a leader, you must earn the respect of your team members, and that can be achieved if you are approachable, warm, and receptive to ideas and feedback. Your team should not have to think twice before approaching you with an idea or an issue. Another significant facet you must be mindful of about your hiring process and leadership is the constant nature of change. You must hire people who can adapt to change and encourage such open-mindedness amongst your existing resources.

Being in a leadership position is often a formidable job and, at times, a thankless job. That's why many say leaders are born and not made. It takes a specific individual with inherent qualities to keep your teams motivated, inspired, and stick by you, and effective communication helps a leader do so. It helps gain the trust of colleagues, aligns the actions of each party to the goals, and inspires positive change. Often the success and failure of a team or a company depend on a leader and how they communicate!

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