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D'Talks: Designing Sustainably with Tarun!

Pune, India, Aug 7, 2024 
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Have you ever considered whether your designs are environmentally sustainable? We recently had an incredible session with Tarun Durga, where he shared his insights about the world of sustainable design!

Designing sustainably is no longer an option, it's a necessity! We're mind-blown by the impact we can make through the simplest changes in our workflow. Tarun also answered some of our burning questions about managing and reducing our digital footprint.

Here are a few
key takeaways from the session:

Adopt a Sustainable Mindset: Embrace systemic thinking and a long-term perspective to consider the environmental impacts of every design decision.

Minimize Page Weight: Only use images that add value, replace them with vector items and icons, and choose sustainable image formats like WebP.

Measure Digital Impact: Track electricity and resource consumption of digital assets, benchmark against industry leaders, and set clear sustainability goals.

Optimize Content: Conduct regular content audits and create a sustainability manifesto to guide your design practices.

Technical Best Practices: Develop a sustainable design language and focus on carbon-efficient coding to reduce environmental impact.

Collaborate and Educate: Involve all stakeholders in sustainability efforts and continuously learn about new sustainable practices and technologies.

Future Outlook: Our actions today are crucial to mitigating future climate impacts. Advocate for and practice sustainable development at both individual and organizational levels.

Tarun also said, "We have to act now. We have to start with a conscious effort to be sustainable. Whatever action we do, whatever website or app we put out there, has got an impact for the environment."

Huge thanks to Tarun for sharing his invaluable insights on reducing our digital footprint. We look forward to more thought-provoking sessions!

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