Staff Augmentation
Whether your company is large or small, there are times when you need to quickly augment your staff to complete an important project.
You have two choices when you need to quickly staff up: You could develop and hire in house capabilities to complete these projects but this can be a costly and risky venture, particularly when the IT needs of an organization are constantly changing. Or you could augment your staff with our talented engineers where you could easily ramp up and down to meet changing demand without shouldering the cost and liabilities of additional full-time employees.
Why work with Extentia?
Working with Extentia gives you access to individuals with:
Proven accomplishments
Considerable industry experience
Adept in developing and supporting information systems on a wide range of platforms

Our Rigorous Recruitment Process
Extentia has stringent rigorous recruiting procedures process to ensure that we hire only the best talent. Our in-house staff conducts innovative technical evaluations on each prospective employee. Before we begin an engagement with your organization, we closely study your development needs and select the right candidates with the precise knowledge and skills before they are assigned to your project. In other words, the right people at the right time.
Our Professionals

Software Engineers
- Systems Programmers
- Object Oriented Development Engineers
- Web Developers

Program Managers

Technical Consultants

Projects Leaders

Database Architects

Technical Writers

Technical/Help Desk Support

Graphics Artists and Visualizers

Interface Designers and Human Engineering Specialists

QA Managers and Engineers
We at Extentia have the precise talent that technology leaders need to ensure smooth system implementation, enhancement, upgrade and production support initiatives. Let us help you gain a competitive edge by leveraging our innovative approach to attract and retain top talent.

To schedule a discussion, call +91-20-67285200 or write to us at inquiries@extentia.com